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RetroPie and ROM automation platform


The general configuration settings for retrokit are stored in config/settings.json. Although these settings can be fully customized through profiles, there are a number of defaults and configurations to become familiar with so you understand how it affects retrokit.


The splashscreen setting is used to control what’s displayed on the screen while RetroPie and your frontend (e.g. EmulationStation) are loaded. Currently the following types of splaschreens are supported:

Additional formats could be supported in the future. To specify your splashscreen:

  "splashscreen": ""

The value simply needs to be a path to a remote url.


The themes settings controls what themes are available to use for EmulationStation

The theme actually selected for EmulationStation is determined by the es_settings.cfg file.

For example:

  "themes": {
    "library": [
        "name": "pixel-metadata",
        "repo": "ehettervik"


The launchimages settings controls how launch images are generated for each system. There are 2 ways you can create launch images:

If you want to download from an external source, you can configure retrokit like so:

  "launchimages": {
    "enabled": true,
    "source": "{theme}/launching.png"

In this example, the {theme} variable is used to control which specific theme name to download from the external source. This is useful in cases where you’ve decided to use an alternative theme name from the one that comes preconfigured in RetroPie (e.g. genesis instead of megadrive).

If you don’t want to worry about finding launch images that match your theme, you can auto-generate them like so:

  "launchimages": {
    "enabled": true,
    "source": "theme",
    // The EmulationStation theme view to use as a reference when determining which
    // background image to use (typically "basic" or "system")
    "background_view": "basic"

This will use artwork and configurations from the theme in order to build launch images, including:

These are then used as input to an HTML template which will be rendered by Chromium to generate your launch image. You can see the HTML template information here:

If you want to customize the launch image look and feel, you can do so easily be overriding these files in your own profile.


The overlays setting is used to define bezels/overlays used within RetroArch emulators. This is both for aesthetics and lightgun support. For example:

  "overlays": {
    // Whether to use game-specific overlays
    "enable_game_overrides": true,

    // The border to draw for Sinden lightgun support
    "lightgun_border": {
      "enabled": false,

      // Width (in pixels) of the border
      "width": 30,

      // Color of theborder
      "color": "#ffffff",

      // Whether to fill within the outline (black)
      "fill": false,

      // Adjusts the brightness level of the image before adding the border
      "brightness": 0.25


The manuals setting is used by the system-roms-manuals setup script for controlling behavior of how manuals are sourced, created, and stored. For the most part, you shouldn’t have a need to modify the defaults are they’re intended to be used for internal purposes. However, if you want to build your own manuals, you can refer to the settings before for how to control the behavior.

  "manuals": {
    // The location to source manuals from
    "archive": {
      // id / version used for upload management
      "id": "retrokit-manuals",
      "version": "compressed",

      // URL to where to find the manuals
      "url": "{system}/{system}{name} ({languages}).pdf",

      // Whether the manuals at the given source have already been processed by retrokit
      "processed": true,

      // Whether to pull from the source (defined in the system's metadata database)
      // if the manual isn't found with the URL template above
      "fallback_to_source": false

    // Where manuals will be stored
    "paths": {
      // The base path for all manuals
      "base": "$HOME/.emulationstation/downloaded_media/{system}/manuals",

      // Path for manuals pulled from the official retrokit archives
      "archive": "{base}/.download/{name} ({languages}) (archive).pdf",

      // Path for the original downloaded source
      "download": "{base}/.download/{name} ({languages}).{extension}",

      // Path for manuals after postprocessing them
      "postprocess": "{base}/.files/{name} ({languages}).pdf",

      // Path to install (symlink) the postprocessed manaul
      "install": "{base}/{rom_name}.pdf"

    // Whether to keep the original downloaded files (only applicable if
    // you're customizing the postprocessing configuration)
    "keep_downloads": false,

    // The postprocessing section refers to additional modifications to make
    // to a PDF from its original format
    "postprocess": {
      // Run the mupdf clean process?
      "clean": {
        "enabled": true

      // Run character recognition on the text so the PDF is searcahble?
      "ocr": {
        "enabled": true

      // Slice / rotate the images according to the manual's metadata?
      "mutate": {
        "enabled": true

      // Compress the resulting images?
      "compress": {
        "enabled": true,

        // Convert the ICC-based color profiles to RGB?
        "color": {
          "icc": false
        // Downsample settings
        "downsample": {
          "enabled": true,
          // Threshold ratio for downsampling images
          "threshold": 1.05,
          // Downsample if pages are larger than this width
          "width": 1920,
          // Downsample if pages are larger than this height
          "height": 1440,
          // Don't downsample beyond this resolution
          "min_resolution": 72,
          // Downsample if resolution is higher than this
          "max_resolution": 300

        // QFactor PDF settings
        "quality_factor": {
          // The QFactor color setting to use when page_width/downsample_width or page_height/downsample_height is >= highres_threshold
          "highres_color": 0.9,
          "highres_gray": 0.9,
          "highres_threshold": 0.66,
          // The QFactor color setting to use when page_width/downsample_width or page_height/downsample_height is < highres_threshold
          "lowres_color": 0.4,
          "lowres_gray": 0.76,
          // Re-compress jpeg images?
          "pass_through_jpeg": false

        // Image encoding settings
        "encode": {
          // Encode uncompressed images to jpeg?
          "uncompressed": true,
          // Re-encode jpeg2000 images to jpeg?
          "jpeg2000": true

        // Filesize threshold settings
        "filesize": {
          // Only compress images that at least this many bytes (filesize)
          "minimum_bytes_threshold": 0,
          // Only compress images if the filesize was reduce by this % threshold (10%)
          // Compression is forced regardless of this value if uncompressed / jpeg2000 / icc
          // conversions are enabled and those settings are discovered in the pdf.
          "reduction_percent_threshold": 0.1

    // How to integrate manualkit -- via emulationstation or runcommand
    "integration": "emulationstation"


The retropie setting is used for configuration various components of RetroPie and how it behaves on the system. Currently, this is limited to how RetroPie is visible within EmulationStation.

For example:

  "retropie": {
    "show_menu": true,
    "menus": [
      "RetroArch Net Play",

The settings here control:

The above example restricts the RetroPie menu to just a handful of sub-menus.


The hardware setting enables you to a few different aspects about how different parts of your hardware are configured on the system. Specifically it handles:

For example:

  "hardware": {
    "controllers": {
      "inputs": [
        // Set up keyboard as a controller input
          "name": "Keyboard"

        // Enable the 8BitDo Arcade stick (2.4ghz and bluetooth)
          "name": "Microsoft X-Box 360 pad",
          "id": "030000005e0400008e02000014010000",
          "description": "8Bitdo X-Input, Wired, Triggers to Buttons, Xbox layout (Arcade Stick)",
          // Should a/b and x/y be swapped?
          "swap_buttons": false
          "name": "8BitDo Arcade Stick",
          "id": "050000005e040000fd02000030110000",
          "description": "8Bitdo X-Input, Bluetooth, Triggers to Buttons, Xbox layout (Arcade Stick)",
          "swap_buttons": false

        // Enable the 8Bitdo SN30 Pro in D-Input mode
          "name": "8Bitdo SN30 Pro",
          "id": "05000000c82d00000161000000010000",
          "description": "8Bitdo D-Input, Bluetooth, Nintendo Layout",
          "swap_buttons": true,
          "axis": {
            "ABS_X": 128,
            "ABS_Y": 128,
            "ABS_Z": 128,
            "ABS_RZ": 128

      // Use the "select" button as our hotkey across all controllers for RetroArch
      // emulators
      "hotkey": "select",

      // Enable these additional input configscripts.  This will help automatically
      // set up inputs for the associated emulators.
      "configscripts": [

    // Configure a dtoverlay for IR hooked up via the given GPIO pin.  Additionally,
    // the signals will be mapped using the given keytable.
    "ir": {
      "gpio_pin": 23,
      "keymap": "/lib/udev/rc_keymaps/tivo.toml"


For information on how to identify your controller id, you can look at the controls documentation. There are a few interesting pieces to call out in the example provided above.


RetroPie has various configscripts in place to automatically set up your controller in a variety of different emulators. However, this isn’t the case for all emulators. In order to improve the user experience, retrokit integrates a variety of other configscripts so that all emulators utilized by retrokit are automatically set up when a new controller is registered.

The additional systems that are supported by retrokit include:

Additionally, there are 2 configscripts which extend general functionality in the system. That includes:


The systems setting allows you to define which gaming systems you want to include in your setup. Any system listed here must be explicitly supported by retrokit.

Note that the order in which systems are defined in this configuration determines the order in which (a) they are set up and (b) they appear in EmulationStation.


  "systems": [
    // ...


The setup setting allows you to control which modules to install when running retrokit. The default setup includes modules that would be applicable to most installations.

For example, the default setup is defined like so:

  "setup": {
    "modules": [
      // ...

If you want to add/remove certain modules from a profile, you can adjust the configuration like so:

  "setup": {
    "modules|case": {
      "add": [
      "before": "powerkit"

    "modules|overlays": {
      "remove": [

Note that the key format here is always modules|<identifier>. These settings will be merged by retrokit into the base setup modules defined in config/settings.json.

You could, of course, always just explicitly override the "modules" settup, but that will be harder to maintain over time.