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RetroPie and ROM automation platform


Documentation is critical to a successful system build. So, in addition to manuals and reference sheets available per-game, printable documentation can also be built for your system. This documentation currently includes:

In particular, game lists are useful if you want others to be able to look through which games to play while someone is playing a game or controlling the system. Think of it like a karaoke playlist.


To generate the documentation, you can use the following command(s):

bin/ build [/path/to/output_dir/]
bin/ build_intro [/path/to/output.pdf]

This will generate PDF files in the docs/build folder. Two game lists are generated: one sorted by name and one sorted by system.

These commands must be run on the system that has the games. Additionally, it relies on EmulationStation’s gamelists being filled in (either by your favorite scraper or yourself).


Below is an example screenshot of a gamelist document that can be generated with this tool:

Game List By Name

As you can see, game lists include several pieces of information:

Your friends will often find it fun just to browse through your game list!