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RetroPie and ROM automation platform


manualkit is a Python application that can display PDFs on the screen based on either the game being viewed in EmulationStation or the game being played. Features of manualkit include:


For many retro gaming systems, manuals provided a treasure chest of information for how to play a game. It’s frustrating to have to spend time looking for manuals online when you stumble upon a new game that you want to play. Even then, you have to have a separate device to look through the manual while you’re playing – not convenient when all you have is a handheld device.

The goal of manualkit is to provide instant access to game manuals, whether from within a game or from your emulator launcher (i.e. EmulationStation).


manualkit is configured via the manualkit.cfg. For full details on the various configuration options to choose from, you can reference that file.

By default, the following controls are used when toggle:

Control Keyboard / Frontend Keyboard / Game Controller / Frontend Controller / Game
Toggle m Up L2 Up
Hotkey None Select (Space) None Select

When a manual is being displayed, the following controls are used:

Control Keyboard Controller
Next Page Down Right Trigger
Prev Page Up Left Trigger
Zoom In = X
Zoom Out + Y
Up Up Up
Down Down Down
Left Left Left
Right Right Right

Below is an example configuration:

retroarch = false
toggle_frontend = m
next = pagedown
prev = pageup
zoom_in = equals
zoom_out = minus


suspend = false
hotkey_enable = false


suspend = true
hotkey_enable = true


In order to run manualkit, it must be launched when the system starts. In order to do this, manualkit hooks into the script. You can see these scripts here. Upon startup, manualkit will run a long-lived Python process. This process uses a FIFO file or providing communication between events that occur on the system and the manualkit process.

manualkit is designed this way for one primary reason: It avoids the startup overhead of having to run the Python process anytime a manual is displayed. This means we can quickly notify the process of a new manual to activate when scrolling through game lists without impacting the performance of the system.

In addition to being run on startup, manualkit must integrate into one of the following in order to know when to load a manual or a new game:

EmulationStation hooks are preferred for several reasons:

If you’re not running EmulationStation or, for some reason, you don’t want manualkit using these hooks, then you can still integrate with runcommand’s onstart/onend scripts. This will still allow you to bring up manuals while playing the game.

It’s possible to integrate manualkit with other frontends, but there’s no built-in support for it.


manualkit has the following dependencies:

Due to version requirements and what’s available on the current release of Raspbian, mupdf must be built from source. To install the required dependencies, you can run the following:

manualkit/ depends

Note that devicekit must be present in the same parent directory as manualkit.

To remove dependencies:

manualkit/ remove


manualkit must be run as root using sudo in order for it to have the necessary permissions to draw on top of the screen.

To install manualkit via retrokit (which will install all dependencies and configurations):

# Support multiple integrated scripts
bin/ install retropie-autostart

# Install manualkit
bin/ install manualkit

To use the manualkit CLI:

# Show a specific manual
sudo python3 manualkit/ --pdf /path/to/game.pdf

# Equivalent to the above command
sudo python3 manualkit/ /opt/retropie/configs/all/manualkit.cfg --pdf /path/to/game.pdf --profile frontend --server false

# Show a manual with a supplementary reference PDF
sudo python3 manualkit/ --pdf /path/to/game.pdf --supplementary-pdf /path/to/supplementary.pdf

# Use an explicit configuration and start manualkit with the emulator profile (meaning an emulator is running)
sudo python3 manualkit/ --pdf /path/to/game.pdf --profile emulator

In most cases, the preferred way to run manualkit is as a server. In this mode, manualkit can switch which PDF it’s configured to use rather than terminating and re-running manualkit each time a new game is selected. This is particularly useful in cases where you’re scrolling through EmulationStation.

When manualkit runs in server mode, it uses a Linux FIFO file to enable communication between clients and the server. This type of API is used in order to keep the design as simple as possible.

Example usage:

# Start server
sudo python3 manualkit/ /path/to/manualkit.cfg --server --profile frontend --track-pid $PPID

# Hide manualkit, load a new PDF, and reconfigure it to use the emulator profile
echo \
  'hide'$'\n' \
  'reset_display'$'\n' \
  'load'$'\t'"$rom_manual_file"$'\t'"$rom_reference_file"$'\t''true'$'\n' \
  'set_profile'$'\t''emulator' > /opt/retropie/configs/all/manualkit.fifo

The following server commands are available:


echo 'hide' > /path/to/manualkit.fifi

echo 'reset_display' > /path/to/manualkit.fifi

# Note that the last argument is whether to pre-render the first page of the manual
echo 'load'$'\t'"/path/to/manual.pdf"$'\t'"/path/to/reference.pdf"$'\t''true' > /path/to/manualkit.fifi

echo 'set_profile'$'\t''emulator' > /path/to/manualkit.fifi

echo 'reload_devices' > /path/to/manualkit.fifi


There are ~20,000 manuals that have been hand-sourced over 2 years for this project. They come from a variety of websites which are all defined in each system’s data file. All manuals are installed in PDF format, but they can be sourced from a variety of formats. Details about the process are described below.


The specific website used to source manuals largely depends on the system and the community based around it. Manuals often exist on many different websites and in different forms. In general, the follow priorities are used when determining which source to use:

  1. Quality: Higher quality > lower quality
  2. Resolution: Higher resolution > lower resolution (unless it’s 600+ dpi)
  3. Color: Color > Black and White
  4. Watermark: Non-watermarked manuals > watermarked manuals
  5. Language: Single language > multi-language (unless it’s just truncated)
  6. Archives: sources > other sources
  7. Ownership: Community-owned websites > individually-owned websites

As you can see, there are a large number of considerations to keep in mind when identifying the appropriate source for each individual manual.

Source formats

The following source formats are supported:

Once downloaded, these formats will all be converted into PDF, maintaining the quality of the original manual when possible.


In order to support the long-term archival of manuals, all manuals referenced in this project have been archived on This not only ensures that the manuals live beyond the life of their source projects, but also provides a more stable source to download manuals from. Over time, this archive will be updated to reflect additional manuals made available or new systems supported.

To generate archives:

PROFILES=manualkit-original bin/ remote_sync_system_manuals <system>
PROFILES=manualkit-compressed bin/ remote_sync_system_manuals <system>
PROFILES=manualkit-original bin/ remote_sync_manuals_description <date>



For many manuals, the quality of the manual from the original source is higher than necessary for use in a typical retro gaming console. While using the original manuals can sometimes be useful, there is a significant disk usage overhead associated with that. For this reason, the default configuration is to enable post-processing on manuals to reduce overall filesize.

The archives provide 2 already post-processed versions of manuals:

If you want to configure your own post-processing configuration, you can still use the manuals by using a configuration like so:


  "manuals": {
    "archive": {
      "url": "{system}/{parent_title} ({languages}).pdf",
      "processed": false
    // ...


All manuals have been organized by system and categorized by language. Every manual has been reviewed to identify which languages are included. The ISO 639-1 standard is used for identifying languages. In general, regional identifiers are not included in the language code unless it is significant for differentiating manuals. For example, en generally refers to US-based English manuals while en-gb generally refers to non-US based English manuals.

The titles given to manuals are based on the parent title. There are, therefore, 2 main pieces of information for identifying a manual:

Manual Selection

The logic for determining which manual to use for a specific game is largely based on language preference for the user, not the country identifiers in the game filename. The relevant retrokit configuration is:

  "metadata": {
    "manuals": {
      // Allowlist of languages to pick for manuals.  Manuals in other langauges will never
      // be selected.
      "languages": [

      // Prioritize languages according to the game name and the languages selected above
      // rather than *just* the order in which they're defined
      "prioritize_region_languages": false,

      // Only use languages associated with the region defined in the game name?
      "only_region_languages": false
  // ...

By default, retrokit will prefer languages based on the region of the game being installed.

Arcade manuals

As far as I’ve been able to find, there doesn’t exist any form of player instruction manuals for arcade games. You can attempt to cut out instructions from bezel artwork, but that’s a very time consuming process that I haven’t undertaken. There do exist owner manuals for the arcade cabinets themselves, but that’s not helpful to most players.

As an alternative, I’ve built manuals based on several sources:

The generated manuals aren’t perfect, but I felt having some form of instructions was better than nothing. You can see how these manuals are generated in the script.

If anyone has better sources or wants to build better manuals, I’d fully support that effort.

The guides are dynamically generated from your current configuration in RetroArch and additional system-specific configurations for: