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RetroPie and ROM automation platform


sindekit provides plug ‘n play functionality as well as quality-of-life improvements to using a Sinden Lightgun.


On Linux, there is currently no good solution for making Sinden Lightguns plug ‘n play. Currently, you must:

The purpose of sindenkit is to make as much of this automatic as possible so that you, the user, don’t have to worry about the technical details for how to start and manager a Sinden Lightgun.

Plug ‘n Play

When sindenkit is installed, a set of udev rules are added that automatically:

sindenkit understands how many players are already connected and which Player configuration to use.

EmulationStation Menu

In order to help manage your Sinden lightgun behavior through the UI, a menu is install to the EmulationStation RetroPie system.


The “Calibrate” menu provides actions for supporting the calibration of lightguns to your current screen.


The “Controls” menu provides actions for changing the behavior of how controls work on the lightgun.


The “Recoil” menu provides actions for changing the recoil behavior on your lightguns (if they’re installed).


Example usage of sindenkit is shown below:

# Run the given command in the background (required to prevent udev rule timeouts)
sindenkit/ backgrounded <add_device|remove_device> <devpath> <devname>

# Adds a lightgun device at the given dev path
sindenkit/ add_device <devpath> <devname>

# Removes a lightgun device previously tracked at the given dev path
sindenkit/ remove_device <devpath> <devname>

# Starts all players
sindenkit/ start_all

# Starts the given player
sindenkit/ start <player_id>

# Stops all players
sindenkit/ stop_all

# Stops the given player
sindenkit/ stop <player_id>

# Restarts the given player (stops, then starts)
sindenkit/ restart <player_id>

# Runs the calibration software for the given player
sindenkit/ calibrate <player_id>

# Changes the given configuration values for all players
sindenkit/ edit_all key1=value1 key2=value2 ...

# Changes the given configuration values for a specific player
sindenkit/ edit <player_id> key1=value1 key2=value2 ...