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RetroPie and ROM automation platform


The retrokit cache is a way of keeping resources local to this repository and avoiding a dependency on external websites when either (a) you’re not connected to the internet or (b) the external websites have reliability issues. Over time, the cache will be re-synced with the external sources to ensure that retrokit doesn’t fall too outdated.


The following types of resources are stored in the cache:

Almost everything in the cache is managed by metakit. Only the following are not:

External cache

In addition to the local cache here, an external cache is also used in github for storing large files, such as compiled binaries. retrokit cached compiled binaries in order to improve the speed at which emulators are set up. Compiled binaries are provided for the following emulators:

In addition, the following types of resources are also stored in github:

You can find all large files stored in github here:

For context, the reason we store large files in a tagged release on github is that it’s the only free solution for large files that can be distributed easily.

Temporary files

The last type of data that’s cached when using retrokit is anything that only needs to be calculated once but doesn’t need to be stored in git. Those files are stored under the tmp/ directory. This folder contains many different artifacts using by setup scripts, including:


To work with the cache, the following commands are available:

# Delete all system-specific temporary data
bin/ delete <system|all>

# Compiles a binary for the given retropie package
bin/ build_emulator_binaries <package|all>

# Uploads the compiled binary for the given retropie package
bin/ sync_emulator_binaries <package|all>